Semantic and pragmatic analisys of question

Գին՝ 20000դրամ
Էջերի քանակ՝ 40էջ
Աշխատանքի տեսակ՝ Դիպլոմային
Աշխատանքի ID` 1059


Chapter I Semantics and pragmatics
Chapter 2.Semantic Analysis of General and Special Questions
Chapter 3. Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of General and Special Questions


There is an interesting phenomenon in the English language-through asking a question, for instance, instead of asking for unknown information one may express certain emotion, attitude, feeling, thoughts, etc.
Our language would be rather poor, uninteresting and quite similar to scientific prose, if the words and expressions we use possessed only literal meanings, in that case language would lack the possibilities of playful interplay between meanings. Therefore, apart from the linguistic meanings, there are also other additional ones, which make the language more flexible, interesting and communicable.
The aim of the present diploma-paper is to analyze this kind of complementary meanings of general (verifying) and special (identifying) questions and see how they function through communication.
According to types of communication there are declarative, imperative and interrogative sentences. The latter we are particularly concerned with here.
Each of these types possesses its peculiar function, word order and intonation.
As distinct from other major sentence types the interrogative sentence in English has its structural peculiarities.
Questions are formed by inversion, i.e. the predicate or the part of it (auxiliary or modal verb) comes before the subject.

Գրականության ցանկ

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