Communication, one of the basic needs of human existence, can be defined as the transfer or exchange of information between parties. Sense deprivation experiments have proved that a person cut off from communication of any sort begins to go mad fast (Friesen 1972, p. 16).
As soon as the word “communication ” is mentioned, we immediately think of telephones, radio, television, books, etc.-in shorfall the devices related to verbal communication.
Verbal communication requires a language. Nonverbal communication means communication which is independent of a formal language, communication when ideas and concepts can be expressed without the use of coherent labels of language.
Nonverbal communication is especially significant in intercultural situations. Probably nonverbal differences account for typical difficulties in communicating.
“To know another՚s language and not his culture is a very good way to make a fluent fool of oneself” (Brembeck, Winston 1977, p.52).
When we encounter people from other societies or cultures, we may fail to understand them for many reasons, including differences in language, values, gestures, emotional expression, norms, rituals, rules, expectations, family background and life experiences.
The cross-cultural communication can be successful if we manage to understand the powerful differences that separate people who come from differing cultures. There are enormous cultural differences in non-verbal communication, just as there are enormous differences in vocabulary. These differences have important implications for cross-cultural understanding. By being alert to our nonverbal cues, we can better express our own goals, emotions, intentions, etc.
The non-verbal concepts should be taken into consideration, because without them a real communication cannot be conducted smoothly and successfully. If we don՚t understand the nonverbal communication of a different culture, it is possible that we can make a mistake, interpreting the other person incorrectly.
Some forms of nonverbal signals are the same and universal and they convey the same meaning and interpretation. But there are forms which are different, and have different or no meaning at all in the other culture.
Գրականության ցանկ
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