Human language relates form and meaning in an unlimited way. For many years linguists devoted themselves to analyze form and meaning as two separated phenomena; however, at the beginning of the twenty first century we have to highlight that language is not isolated from its speakers, from the context or situation in which it occurs. Language is influenced by extra linguistic factors, such as knowledge of the world, contextual knowledge, the speaker’s intention, etc. Linguistic structure depends on and itself influences conceptualization, which is conditioned by the experience of ourselves, the external world and our relation to that. It is impossible to separate linguistic knowledge from extra linguistic one.
In the present day international situation being characterized by over- increasing political economic, scientific contacts between different countries, the study of the English language acquires more and more specific importance. Nowadays special emphasis is being laid on the professional needs of the learner. It follows, then, that foreign language teaching necessarily becomes professionally oriented.
Law is one of the most important social institutions. Its mains function is to regulate social behavior in an optimally rational and reasonable manner in a given community, but at the same time it is an institution which depends on language and whose operations therefore also have a linguistic dimension. There are many reasons as to why linguists should be interested in legal language. One of the challenges is created by basic conflict between the functions of law and language. There is an inherent element of vagueness in natural languages, but the law sets extremely strict demands on the language it uses
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