There are some differences between literary characters in children’s books and characters in other literary contexts, which largely affect the use and formation of names. The approach to characters in children’s fiction differs, for example in the transparency of the characters and in the characterization mainly due to its specific ambiguous status, but also in their educational and ideological aspects.
To find a name for their fictional characters, authors can draw on the whole repertoire of names existing in their culture, and they can invent new, fantastic, absurd or descriptive names for the characters they create. We may safely assume, therefore, that there is no name in fiction without some kind of auctorial intention behind it, although, of course, this intention may be more obvious to the readers in one case than in another.
Characteristic feature of literary characters in children’s books is that the protagonists are mostly children (or childlike characters) or, if humanized objects or animals, they are mostly camouflages for children, as they behave like children and deal with issues generally related to children.
Գրականության ցանկ
1. Frank Nuessel «The study of names: a guide to the principles and topics»; Greenwood Press, 1992
2. Eugene Nida and C. Taber «Principles of correspondence», «The theory and practice of translation»; Leiden, Holland, 1982
3. Peter Newmark «Communicative and semantic translation»; Babel, 1981
4. Pete Newmark «Approaches to translation»; Oxford, Pergamon, 1981
5. Roman Jakobson «Linguistics and poetics», «Style in language»; Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969
6. Riitta Oittinen «Translating for children»; New York, 2000
7. Yvonne Bertills «Proper names in children’s literature»; Finland, 2003
8. Yvone Bertills «The connotations of proper names in children’s literature as communication»; Amsterdam, 2002
9. Friedrich Schleiermacher «On the different methods of translating»; Störig, 1963
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