Analysis of the armenian translation of the wind in the willows

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Էջերի քանակ՝ 37էջ
Աշխատանքի տեսակ՝ Դիպլոմային
Աշխատանքի ID` 1383


Chapter I: Literary career and writing style of kenneth grahame
1.1 Kenneth Grahame’s Literary Career with Special Reference to The Wind in the Willows
1.2 Writing Style of Kenneth Grahame
1.3 Style in The Wind in the Willows
Chapter II: Significance of imagery in literature
2.1 Worlds of Imagination
2.2 Theory of Imagery
2.3 Imagery in The Wind in the Willows
Chapter III: Analysis of the Armenian translation of the wind in the willows
3.1 Analysis and Findings in the Tale
3.2 The Analysis of the Imagery and their Armenian Equivalents


Այս աշխատանքի հատվածը անհասանելի է։

Գրականության ցանկ

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5. Goatly, A. (1997). The Language of Metaphors. New York: Routledge.
6. Grahame, K. (1981). The Wind in the Willows. Moscow: Progress Publishing.
7. Green, P., (1959). A Study of Kenneth Grahame’s Life, Work and Times. London.
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11. Kamenicka, R. (2006). Translation of Proper Nouns and Neologisms. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd
12. Milne A. A. (1924).Toad of Toad Hall. A play based on The Wind in the Willows.
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