Այս աշխատանքի հատվածը անհասանելի է։
Գրականության ցանկ
1. Briere, E. (1988). In Search of Cultural Equivalence. Translation Review. Weinreich Pub. House.
2. Chapman, R. (1973). Linguistics and Literature: An Introduction to Literary Stylistics. London: Edward Arnold Publishers.
3. Envish, E. N. (1964). Linguistics and Style. London: Oxford University Press. Arnold Publishers.
4. Gabrielyan S., Bagumyan L. (2010-2011). Lewis Carroll’s, Rudyard Kipling’s and Kenneth Grahame’s Worlds of Imagination. Article.
5. Goatly, A. (1997). The Language of Metaphors. New York: Routledge.
6. Grahame, K. (1981). The Wind in the Willows. Moscow: Progress Publishing.
7. Green, P., (1959). A Study of Kenneth Grahame’s Life, Work and Times. London.
8. Heilman, E.E. (2003). Multidisciplinary Critical Perspectives. New York: Routledge Falmer.
9. Holman, C.H. (1978). A Handbook to Literature. New York: The Odyssey Press.
10. Leech, G., Short, M.H. (1981). Style in Fiction: A Stylistic to Fiction and Prose. London: Longman.
11. Kamenicka, R. (2006). Translation of Proper Nouns and Neologisms. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd
12. Milne A. A. (1924).Toad of Toad Hall. A play based on The Wind in the Willows.
13. Nida, E. and Taber C. (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden, Holland: Brill, reprinted in 1982.
14. Patrick R. Chalmers. (1933) Kenneth Grahame. L..
15. Wellek, R., Warren, A. (1963). Theory of Literature. USA: Penguin Books.
16. Widdowson, H.G. (1975). Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature. London: Longman Group, Ltd.
17. Գրեհեմ Ք., Քամին ուռիների մեջ, թարգմ՝ Սեֆերյան Ս., Երևան, «Զանգակ» հր., 2012.