Advertising plays an important role in our life today. Being an integral part of mass media, advertisement like television, radio and printed media inculcates in the mind of addressees some values reflecting the interests of both individuals and group of individuals. Advertisement is a form of manipulation of consciousness as it permanently emphasizes the advantages of goods and services. Advertisement influences the picture of the world of consumer and interprets the life as an endless holiday promising pleasure for everybody. By using the techniques of propaganda and permanently being present in mass media, advertisement shapes the minds of people and robotizes them. The role of advertisement especially increases in the period of global changes. Advertisement makes people live rather in the world of goods than high ideas, and as a result the individual’s self-perception depends mainly on the things he owns.
Being represented by different forms and types, advertisement influences not only the minds of mass audience by also literary language and the nature and development of its norms. It is the reason for which advertisement texts are in the centre of attention of linguistic researches today. If earlier linguists concentrated attention mainly on the study of the system of the language, today they turn to the study of the speech.
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